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Women before Perimenopause, during and beyond!

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Welcome to my Perimenopause Perspective! 


​This site was born out of necessity when my health took an early 40's nose dive and I felt like I was losing my mind (literally the brain fog was taking over). Having previously healed ​other health conditions naturally and maintaining a fairly healthy lifestyle, its fair to say I was caught completely off guard. 


​​​Looking around on social media I began to see women ​my age, doing the rounds, in and out of doctors offices, attributing this to "perimenopause", menopause's lesser known crazy little sister​, apparently. ​


​And so the research began, as a desperate attempt to find natural solutions to what was fast becoming a long list of symptoms! However, I soon realised ​there wasn't a lot of information available, beyond the bought and paid for studies and when consulting with a local naturopath recommended a battery of "inadequate" thyroid tests just to get the ball rolling, I decided to look into what I already had available rather than repeat my prior experiences spending a lot of time and money being gaslit by a broken system.


​Instead I busted out the Medical Medium Books​ on my shelf that were collecting dust unread, as I'd taken​ them as a barter payment ​m​any moons ago for some admin work. I spent the entire weekend devouring the two books I had, uncovering a whole new level of information ​t​hat not only made perfect sense for the first time in 25 years, but unbeknownst to me, was already a global movement of thousands healing from multiple chronic health conditions.


To cut a very long story a little shorter, within 4 days my thyroid was no longer swollen I stopped ​snoring and choking​ in my sleep. I was finally able to breathe without using asthma ​​medications. Within 9 days my brain fog was gone, back pain alleviated, I was sleeping - no more insomnia, anxiety was relieved, heart palpitations were gone and I could see I wasn't going to be sentenced to a half-life anymore.


Months later and armed to the teeth with all I could learn, I now know the answers to all of my 25 years worth of medical "anomalies" and how and why the medical and natural therapies communities have been purposely ill-advised through bought and paid research, to make funds for the all mighty corporations that rely on our ill health to profit.


If you are suffering as I was, as are so many people, especially women, who battle on for years trying to raise their families, juggle careers and live more than a half-life in and out of doctors or natural therapists, then this information will be as life-changing for you as it has been for me. My only advice is to not skip a word, a paragraph or a chapter​, once read, re-read again. 


Learn more about ​creating a life long health here.


As an Amazon Associate I do earn from qualifying purchases for any products I recommend. B​ut be sure also to check your local library​, as many have the books available for free! ​



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