When I turned 40, I felt like I was not only losing my mind with brain fog, but the fatigue and array of other fun symptoms left me a shell of my former self! Not that I hadn't already had my fair share of health issues over the years; conversely, I was a seasoned professional in all weird health issues no one seemed to know what to do with. But the new symptoms were on a whole different level with anxiety turning a simple car trip into a disaster, weight gain making it difficult to even get dressed and a swollen thyroid choking me, just to amp it up a notch.
I still wanted to embrace the holistic approach to health that I'd always tried to utilise. But I was tired of floundering around in the dark with all manner of ingredients and Doctors' or Professional Coach's diets that were still based around "everyone's an individual, you have to try it on yourself" approach that I'd already applied for years without success. It just didn't feel like anyone really knew what they were "preaching". I'd also had enough of powders and creams, and there was no way I was resorting to pharma after all the fun the pill had put me through for 25 years and afterwards. Once again, I prioritised natural healing for both my body and mind and to transform not just my physical well-being but my entire relationship with myself.
Perimenopause Natural Healing Awakening
Entering my 40s marked a turning point in my life. With fatigue as my constant companion, I found myself overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. Balancing work, family, and household tasks was exhausting. One late night, while browsing Google to find perimenopause natural healing articles, I realised all search terms were leading to the same place, all of the information on the pages was almost word for word the same. I began to understand why no one was really getting any answers beyond what was allowed to be "shown" or beyond the narrative of the approved studies that had been selected. No one was talking about the external poisons in our air, food, water and environment, which was a major red flag, considering what we know about the effects on our overall health. I certainly remember the Erin Brockovich movie as just one example of the many environmental poisonings we know that have been deliberately perpetrated on many unknowingly. I knew natural healing promised a way to reclaim my health in an empowered way; I just needed to find a tried and tested method that could address all these modern toxins and then some.
Discovering Medical Medium Natural Healing
I gave up trying to heal "perimenopause" symptoms alone after my thyroid began to swell so large that I had difficulty swallowing and breathing at night lying flat on my back. Panicked, I hit the health food store where the naturopath suggested a battery of "inadequate" Thyroid tests as a kick-off point. Despondent at the thought of expensive and lengthy testing with specialists, I finally decided that maybe it was time to read the Medical Medium Thyroid book that had been collecting dust on my shelf after, I'd acquired it as a barter payment from an advocate of the work who was utilising it with great success.
I devoured the book and quickly moved on to the second, as I found more missing pieces to the puzzle of more than just my current most prominent symptoms, but also my decades-long ones. Within 4 days of starting my thyroid and liver cleanse, I could sleep without choking and by day 10 I had shifted not only multiple "perimenopause" symptoms, but asthma symptoms and pain as well.

Nutrition Transformation
Gone were my "trendy" diets of low carb on this day, eating fat for brain health here, intermittent fasting there. Instead, healing involved all of the fruits and vegetables that I'd been drilled to avoid or restrict; I had to overcome fruit and carb phobia. For example, incorporating autumn squashes, potatoes of all kinds, dark leafy greens, bananas, apples, mangoes and all fruits and vegetables, was not just nutritious but profound in the difference it made to my brain and eventually my body as each system cleansed and healed.
Community and Support
Finding a community of like-minded individuals has been an invaluable aspect of my journey. I hadn't realised that there were thousands of people who for decades before me, had created profound healing utilising the MM information on cleansing. This drives my passion to share his information with as many women as possible, so that they too don't waste precious time with guesswork based on bought and paid for studies. It is my shared hope that the information remains pure, straight from the books, rather than diluted and changed or repackaged to pretend it is my own. It isn't, it is simply my journey to finding the best cleansing information for creating systemic healing that I have been blessed enough to find in the last 24 years.
Why Read the Books?
As touched on above, to dilute or alter this information in any way would be to do the greatest disservice, everyone deserves a fighting chance to understand and heal. Everything you need to heal is contained within the books, and you can even borrow them from the library if time permits. However, my copies are dog-eared, book-marked and sticky-tabbed all over and read multiple times to soak up all the wisdom and knowledge contained within. I classify them as essentials on any bookshelf.
Progress, Not Perfection
Throughout this journey, I learned that healing is a winding path. Some days I felt as if I could conquer the world, while others tested my patience. Celebrating small victories became crucial. Not every day leads to breakthroughs; sometimes, it’s the little things—the energy from a healthy meal, a day free of fatigue, a full night's sleep or feeling social enough to share laughs with friends—that truly matters.
Today, my 40s feel empowering and refreshing. This commitment to natural healing has taught me that self-care isn’t just a privilege; it's a necessity for my well-being and that of my family.
Reflecting on the Journey
Reflecting on my natural healing journey in my 40s fills me with immense gratitude. It has reshaped my health and my outlook on life. For any woman contemplating a wellness journey, I encourage you to explore what natural healing means for you.
Embrace the changes, nourish your body, and connect with your community. Remember, nature and self-care can be life-changing. May this chapter be a beautiful celebration of health, joy, and every moment that matters.
To learn more about the power of these systemic healing books, click here.