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The Ultimate Guide to Managing Perimenopause Weight Gain - Tips and Strategies for a Healthy Lifestyle

Writer: Amanda MorganAmanda Morgan

Updated: Jan 23

Are you getting closer to the magical land of menopause and suddenly finding some sneaky extra pounds hitching a ride on your body? It turns out that weight gain can be quite the uninvited guest during perimenopause, contributing to further hormonal imbalance, how dare it! In this epic guide to handling perimenopause weight gain, I've got your back with all the experience of 32 years of trendy diets under my belt and the low down on what really keeps us feeling fabulous as we strut into this new era!

Oh, the joys of perimenopause weight gain! We'll often hear we can blame it on our pesky hormones, our lazy metabolisms, and of course, questionable food and beverage choices. But there's certainly more to perimenopause weight gain and weight gain in general that's rarely if ever addressed at all.

Hidden Toxic Foods

We most certainly are swimming in a soup of hidden toxic foods. Buying foods free from hidden toxins, can be a feat all of its own and can contribute to your daily read-a-page-a-day goals, if you're like me checking every new food label before it makes it into the trolley.

Overtly Toxic Foods

Then we have the overtly toxic foods - the high fructose corn syrups, chemically extracted seed oils, fatty chocolates (which we now see some brands even contain lead and cadmium), convenience meals full of preservatives for the time-poor and we won't even go there with the cookware that we use to reheat or cook these toxic ingredients. Pesticide GMO produce, can often have you wonder if is it better to wash it off with toxic tap water or not?

A World of Toxins

It is frankly amazing any of us are managing to survive the toxic onslaught of our times. With daily exposure to EMF's, radiation, hormone-disrupting artificial scents, chemical outgassing of flame retardants on furniture, water supplies full of fluoride, pharmaceuticals (and admitted forever chemicals where I am in Australia) to heavy metals in our air, soil, food containers and preparation equipment. Cleaning products are another source of toxins, which, unfortunately, also all end up in our bodies.

Medical Medium Anthony has devoted book after book explaining how our bodies perform such amazing services for us as they try their best to deal with the toxic onslaught, but in this service of dealing with or hiding a lot of the toxins, our organs can become overburdened, sluggish and disrupted causing a plethora of symptoms and conditions to develop. Including weight gain as our organs can no longer perform their jobs effectively the more burdened they become. Which is why we see symptoms beginning to arise around 40 and now even younger in the late 30s.

Woman preparing basil, grains, onions, vegetables and nuts in the kitchen
Nutritious vegetables and herbs for deep healing

Where do we go from here?

Like many women, I had been living with multiple health issues for many decades before hitting my 40s, where I started to develop a whole new range of weird "perimenopause" symptoms. They were really just the straw that broke the camel's back. I was coping with many of the other conditions until there were too many that were severely affecting my quality of life.

My worry about weight was what had started me on my latest "trendy" diet, alternating between intermittent fasting, 36-hour fasting, eating good carbs but not too many, then eating keto with lots of good fats and protein, depending upon what place I was in my cycle - it was complex, to say the least. And after a year of following this complex system, I was sicker than when I started with a thyroid so swollen I was choking in my sleep. Not surprisingly I didn't lose a fat cell either.

At the time, it was very distressing, but so was the thought of wasting even more money and hours chasing doctors and specialists for what I was told were an inadequate battery of tests. Thankfully, I remembered I had an unread book on Thyroid Healing on my bookshelf, so that was where I began my journey with the Medical Medium book series.

A lot of it instantly made sense to me, as I had gone through very profound healing with a Homeopath for endometriosis in my 20s. A very similar natural foods and supplement diet created dramatic healing, negating the need for any further surgeries and inadvertently healing my sinus and childhood asthma issues simultaneously. I also lost so much weight that my family became scared and insulting, having never seen me without the extra padding. Unfortunately, though, once I left the homeopath's office, I had no idea what I was doing on my own, especially without the guidance on supplements. As I moved through my child-rearing years and beyond, I slipped back into old bad habits.

Not surprisingly, I walked into perimenopause facing an array of internal distress signals that I was completely unprepared for. This time instead of relying on outsourcing my care, I spent the weekend devouring two Medical Medium books, understanding the why's, how-to's and where to start.

How it Went and How it's Going

Within 4 days of beginning the protocols, I was no longer choking on my swollen thyroid, because my thyroid was no longer swollen. By day 10 my headaches were relieved and my brain fog disappeared, constipation was alleviated as was my lower back pain and restless legs and I could finally sleep.

Since then, I've also alleviated symptoms of asthma, anxiety, heart palpitations, eye floaters and trigeminal neuralgia with its accompanying TMJ, tooth pain, nausea, restless arms and shoulder pain. As I continue with deep healing, my body is rebalancing its weight naturally. I no longer fast, I don't count calories or macros or watch my cycle like a hawk to know how to eat. I eat more than I ever have, in fact, and I feel stronger and healthier than I have in 23 years.

But I'm not alone I'm just one of millions who have also experienced this profound healing from utilising the information contained within these volumes. You'll see many on social media who have used the protocols to recover from life on "mattress island" from being bedridden, to healthy and thriving once more.

When we understand that our health is more than a number on a scale, or the way we look in jeans, we'll understand the unfathomable power and potential that each of us has, if we have a functioning vessel from which to pour our soul's message through.

It is my hope that your perimenopause journey is also your catalyst for finding health and longevity, now and beyond for the rest of the time we have on this beautiful planet, because we were made for so much more than ticking the check boxes of life.

You'll find all the whys, delicious recipes and how-to guides in Cleanse to Heal and if you find it as life-changing as I have, be sure not to keep it to yourself, Namaste ✨


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Welcome to my Perimenopause Perspective! 

​This site was born out of necessity when my health took an early 40's nose dive and I felt like I was losing my mind (literally the brain fog was taking over). Having previously healed ​other health conditions naturally and maintaining a fairly healthy lifestyle, its fair to say I was caught completely off guard. 

​​​Looking around on social media I began to see women ​my age, doing the rounds, in and out of doctors offices, attributing this to "perimenopause", menopause's lesser known crazy little sister​, apparently. ​

​And so the research began, as a desperate attempt to find natural solutions to what was fast becoming a long list of symptoms! However, I soon realised ​there wasn't a lot of information available, beyond the bought and paid for studies and when consulting with a local naturopath recommended a battery of "inadequate" thyroid tests just to get the ball rolling, I decided to look into what I already had available rather than repeat my prior experiences spending a lot of time and money being gaslit by a broken system.

​Instead I busted out the Medical Medium Books​ on my shelf that were collecting dust unread, as I'd taken​ them as a barter payment ​m​any moons ago for some admin work. I spent the entire weekend devouring the two books I had, uncovering a whole new level of information ​t​hat not only made perfect sense for the first time in 25 years, but unbeknownst to me, was already a global movement of thousands healing from multiple chronic health conditions.

To cut a very long story a little shorter, within 4 days my thyroid was no longer swollen I stopped ​snoring and choking​ in my sleep. I was finally able to breathe without using asthma ​​medications. Within 9 days my brain fog was gone, back pain alleviated, I was sleeping - no more insomnia, anxiety was relieved, heart palpitations were gone and I could see I wasn't going to be sentenced to a half-life anymore.

Months later and armed to the teeth with all I could learn, I now know the answers to all of my 25 years worth of medical "anomalies" and how and why the medical and natural therapies communities have been purposely ill-advised through bought and paid research, to make funds for the all mighty corporations that rely on our ill health to profit.

If you are suffering as I was, as are so many people, especially women, who battle on for years trying to raise their families, juggle careers and live more than a half-life in and out of doctors or natural therapists, then this information will be as life-changing for you as it has been for me. My only advice is to not skip a word, a paragraph or a chapter​, once read, re-read again. 

Learn more about ​creating a life long health here.

As an Amazon Associate I do earn from qualifying purchases for any products I recommend. B​ut be sure also to check your local library​, as many have the books available for free! ​


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