Buckle up, ladies! Welcome to the wild ride of perimenopause, where your hormones are partying harder than you ever did in your 20s. One minute, you're up; the next, you're down, and suddenly, your body decides it's time to play the weight gain game. It's like your metabolism took a vacation to Bali without telling you! But fear not, once you crack the code causing full body havoc, you'll be back in the driver's seat of your body and well-being once again. So, let's dive into the wacky world of perimenopausal weight gain and arm you with the ultimate strategies to have your body's back like never before! Let's roll!
Perimenopause: The Rollercoaster Ride to Menopause!
Perimenopause is like the awkward teenage phase of menopause, hitting women in their 40s or even their late 30s. Brace yourselves for the chaotic ride that we're told can last anywhere from a few months to over a decade - yes, you read that right! Apparently, this hormonal circus can last around four years, as hormones prepare for a little semi-retirement lifestyle, bringing with them a mix of physical and emotional surprises that will surely keep you on your toes and make everyday life a bit more... interesting 😳. But does it really have to be this way? The short answer is no, but more on this to come.

The Wacky Hormonal Rollercoaster of Sudden Weight Gain
Embarking on the wild ride of perimenopause means diving into the chaotic world of hormonal shifts that can turn your waistline into a mystery novel. Meet the three mischievous culprits behind the scenes: estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol.
1. The Wild Ride of Estrogen Fluctuations
Estrogen, the hormonal superstar, loves to keep us on our toes with its multiple roles in a woman's body. When the ovaries decide to start easing into semi-retirement during perimenopause, they take the estrogen with them, leaving our bodies to figure out what to do with all that extra "muffin" at the top, resulting in the dreaded abdominal fat. Studies suggest that women might find themselves with a surprise package of 5-10 pounds during this hormonal rollercoaster, mostly settling in the belly area. However, as we'll discover, there's much more than hormones creating weighty issues when our organs are overburdened.
But wait, there's more! The estrogen decline party also includes a drop in insulin sensitivity, a key player in the blood sugar game. This can lead to the body throwing a tantrum over energy regulation, making weight gain a very real possibility. Oh estrogen, you sure know how to keep things interesting!
2. Farewell, Progesterone!
As you waltz into perimenopause, say goodbye to your progesterone levels too. This hormone is like the gatekeeper of your appetite and mood swings. When it decides to take a vacation, get ready for a rollercoaster of potential hunger pangs and a sudden love affair with all things high in calories. According to a 2018 study, a whopping 60% of women admitted to seeking solace in food during this time, making the battle of the bulge even more epic! (Just what women were seeking solace for in this study however is not mentioned, I take everything with a grain of salt, not literally)
3. Cortisol: The Drama Queen Hormone
So, perimenopause brings along its BFF, stress! And guess what? Stress throws a party in your body by inviting extra cortisol, the drama queen hormone. This diva hormone loves to make you crave all the sugary and fatty foods, turning weight maintenance into a never-ending rough ride. And hey, studies even suggest that dealing with this drama queen regularly might lead to a 10% increase in body fat over time. Oh, the drama!
As set in stone and depressing as this info seems, it lacks a lot of crucial information about our body's masterful design, found in Medical Medium books. The latest research, theories and AI-generated results that fill the first 10 pages of popular search engines, do little to explain it need not be as problematic. A natural drop in the production of hormones as we move out of our reproductive years becomes more problematic when we are dealing with overburdened organ systems, such as adrenals and the liver. In our modern world combined with toxicity in our food, air, water, and environment combined with introduced big-harma products, heavy metals, introduced pathogens, and EMF's our systems have very little to work with. This is why healing through natural cleansing is more than an invaluable resource, it's now even more of a necessity. Choose your cleansing tools here.
Oh No, More Reasons for Those Pesky Pounds!
As if hormonal rollercoasters weren't enough, here are some extra sneaky culprits that can join forces to make you gain weight during perimenopause:
1. Lifestyle Changes: The Battle of the Bulge!
So, here's the deal - your diet and how much you move that booty really affects your weight, no surprises there. As the years go by, your metabolism seems like it's decided to take a nap, making it harder to keep those love handles in check. But to add insult to injury, too much booty shaking can throw your body into stress, hello cortisol rising and adrenal fatigue- which can then have our body desperately trying to hold onto the jigglies. Lounging around for hours on end isn't the solution either. Focusing on strength building, maintaining flexibility and moving in nature are my go-to's! My favourites are walking 25 minutes and yoga, with a HIIT approach, 15 minutes seems fair!
2. Sleep Disruptions - The Nightmare Edition
Picture this: hormonal changes throwing a wild party in your body, causing sleep disruptions that make your bedtime feel like a horror movie marathon. These disrupted sleep patterns turn you into a walking zombie, leading to questionable food decisions, brain fog, fatigue and making the mere thought of exercise as appealing as a root canal. According to a study out of the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, it's been "scientifically proven" (grain of salt again) that women battling sleep demons are a whopping 45% more likely to gain weight. So, if you find yourself counting sheep like a shepherd on steroids, giving your body a cleansing fresh start with Liver Rescue can unburden the liver, allowing it to go about its nightly shenanigans with greater ease and stopping those unwanted 3am wake up calls.
3. Genetics
Oh boy, here comes the genetics part! You may or may not have heard the wise words of Barbara O'Neil (banned alternative healthcare promoter) who says "Genetics loads the gun, while lifestyle pulls the trigger." Whilst genetics play a role in the alleles we receive, and certainly in the toxicities we can inherit, it doesn't have to be a life sentence, as many millions now know from their own journey to cleansing and healing. When it comes to weight control, ensuring your organ systems are working optimally is the first key, to healing and finding your equilibrium once again. Cleanse to Heal Medical Medium resource available here.
Rocking Your Hormones During Perimenopause!
Perimenopause doesn't have to be a months or decades-long struggle if you can begin to understand the amazing miracle our bodies truly are, and what they now might need to survive these mind-blowing, yet incredibly challenging times. In this greatest time to be alive, we can have more than just the ticket to survive, but the ticket to thrive through perimenopause and beyond 🍌🍎🫐🍋🍉